Learn to be a Project Manager (PM) from basic to advanced in just 20 hours




📝Profile's mentor


(CV on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annguyenit/)

I have more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, the markets that I have participated in include: Japan, the US and Vietnam.

I have also experienced many positions in software projects: Developer, Tester, Quality Assurance, Business Analytics, especially many years with the position of Project Manager and Senior Manager.

I am currently working as a Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager for a software company with more than 100 people.

Hope to see you as soon as possible.


A - Course Description ️ 🖼️

1/ Simple lecture structure

2/ Details and definitions close to reality, will help students understand what is Project Manager in an outsourcing software project?

3/ Can perform the basic tasks of a Project Manager (PM) in an outsourcing software company.

4/ If you don't know where to start to understand Project Manager (PM), this is the course for you.

B - Subject of the course 🎗️

+ The course is for those who want to become Project Manager in the company and specifically in the outsourcing software project.

+ You have basic knowledge of the project and have worked on software projects.

+ You are working in the position of Team Leader and want to become a Project Manager in a software company.

+ You already have knowledge about project management and want to strengthen your knowledge.

C - Outputs of the course 📋

After the course you will understand:

1 - Understand the work that Project Manager has to do in a software project.

2 - Information security in software projects.

3 - What is Project Plan? How to do Project Plan.

4 - Know how to use statistical tools such as Line Of Code (LOC), Test Case, and tools to display statistical reports such as Excel, Spreadsheet (Google Sheet)

5 - Know how to do Planining in the project.

6 - Know how to implement Monitoring in the project.

7 - Know how to solve issues and risks in the project.

6 - Know the NORM metrics in the project and how to do the quality assessment in the project.

7 - How that bureaucratic indicators: Cost (Cost), Progress (Progress), Quality (Quality) of an outsourcing software project.

8 - How to use Redmine system to track the project.

9 - Know how to use the Spreadsheet integration tool (Google sheet) with Redmine system to manage projects.

D - Course requirements 📚

To take this course you need:

1 - Passion and desire to learn about Project Manager in software.

2 - Each day spend about 2 hours to study and practice doing exercises during the course.

3 - During the learning process, actively discuss directly with the lecturer to better understand the lesson.

4 - Complete the required course assignments.

5 - Download materials and software provided by the course.

6 - Have a gmail account to create reports on the spreadsheet.

7 - The computer has Excel software installed to make the report.

8 - Contact the instructor to be able to have an account to log in to the Redmine system and practice.

E - Documents 📒

[1] - Template Unit Test Case in Excel

[2] - Template Unit Test Case using Spreadsheet

[3] - Template Integration Test Case in Excel

[4] - Template Integration Test Case using Spreadsheet

[5] - Template Report of Test Case creation progress

[6] - Template Report of Testing progress based on Test Case

[7] - Bug Analysis Template

[8] - Line Of Code (LOC) Measurement Template

[9] - Template for quality analysis of the project.

[10] - Project Plan

[11] - Meeting Minutes

[12] - 5 Whys

F - Tools 🛠️

[1] - Snapgit . Tool

[2] - Redmine Tools

[3] - Tool to measure Test Case, Line of Code metrics: the author will provide


Course overview

After registering, students will be able to talk directly with mentor NGUYEN THIEN AN. Flexible schedule according to the student and supported throughout the learning process.

Chapter 1 - Introduction to the course

Lesson 1 - Objectives and objectives of the course

Introduction to the PM course for those who want to learn about this industry. Want to find an industry PM job in software outsourcing companies.

Lesson 2 - Study guide with the program's lecturers

How to study with teachers.

Join the study group and ask questions through the group

Lesson 3 - Project Manager's guide to community participation by the author

PM's community and engagement guide to increase the amount of knowledge in the learning process.

Lesson 4 - Differentiate between project management and project management

What is the difference between governance and management? Objectives in software project management.

Lesson 5 - Skills required in the position of Project Manager (PM)

Skills include:

1 - Understanding of Excel

2 - Understanding Spreadsheet (Google Sheet)

3 - Understand the software process.

4 - Key Performance Index (KPI) indicators of the project and within the organization.

5 - Understand what is NORM number in outsourcing project (software)

Lesson 6 - Project Manager (PM) industry terms

Introduction to a list of terms in an outsourcing software project

Lesson 7 - Introduce the exercises that the course will use to demo during the learning process

Organizational and project elements include:

1 - Organization chart

2 - Project organization chart

3 - Types of large and small projects in the organization

4 - Indicators that the organization requires to manage and monitor

5 - Types of reports that need to be done weekly, monthly, etc.

Chapter 2 - Guide to the skills required in the position of Project Manager (PM)

Lesson 1 - Information security in the project

Introduction to information security in the project, common project problems, how to overcome and how to prevent information security problems.

Lesson 2 - Project configuration elements include: [Cost] / [Time] / [Scope] / [Quality]

Explain the elements that make up the project. Project definition, introduction to triangle in project management. Dependence of factors in project management.

Lesson 3 - Introduction to project management tools using Redmine

What is Redmine? Why use Redmine project manager? About the pre-configured Redmine system, integrated with the report management system via Spreadsheet

Lesson 4 - Introduction to statistical reports using Excel

Instructions to create a project report template using an excel file, including progress, costs, project schedule, using charts, etc.

Lesson 5 - Introduction to statistical reports using SpreadSheet (Google Sheet)

Instructions for creating a project report template using a spreadsheet file, including progress, costs, project schedule, using charts, etc.

Lesson 6 - Definition of project quality based on NORM . numbers

Why is there a NORM index for the project, some NORM indicators are needed in the project, how to properly understand the NORM index in the project.

Lesson 7 - Project implementation process using WATERFALL . model

Introduction to the project operation process using the WATERFALL model (also known as the waterfall model). Advantages and disadvantages.

Lesson 8 - Project implementation process using V-MODEL . model

Introduction to the V-MODEL model in the project, how to operate the V-MODEL model. Advantages and disadvantages.

Lesson 9 - Project implementation process by SCRUM model with AGILE . method

Introduce SCRUM model and project operation method. Principles of AGILE.

Lesson 10 - The management method of mixing 2 models [V-MODEL] and [SCRUM] in the project implementation process

Introduce mixed project method [V-MODEL] and [SCRUM] again during project implementation. The combination of the advantages of the models together. To optimize resources when implementing the project.

Chapter 3 - Instructions for creating a Project Plan in the project

Lesson 1 - Introduction to [Project Plan] in software projects

What is [Project Plan]? Why is [Project Plan] needed? The importance of [Project Plan] in the project.

Lesson 2 - Instructions for filling in information [1. Overview] / [1. Basic information] of the project

Basic information includes:

+ Project name, project constraints, project functions, project assumptions.

+ Types of contracts, types of projects, differences between project types/contract types.

Lesson 3 - Instructions for filling in information [2. Scope] / [2. Scope] of the project

The scope of the project implementation includes which phases? Why is it necessary to define scope in the project. Phases in the project.

Lesson 4 - Instructions for filling out information [3. Environment] / [3. Environment] of the project

The environment in the project, detailed version (version) information of the software to be installed when implementing the project.

Lesson 5 - Instructions for filling in information [4.Deliverables] / [4. Product completion milestones] of the project

How to manage product delivery information of the project, how to calculate completion according to the original commit to calculate KPI for the project. Conditions for completing products and contents of products handed over to customers.

Lesson 6 - Instructions for filling out information [5. Risk/Issue] / [5. Risks/problems] of the project

What is Risk Discrimination? What is issue?

How to identify the Risk in the project and solve the Risk. How to solve the issue in the project.

How to monitor the Risk/Issue in the project.

Lesson 7 - Instructions for filling in information [7.Quality] / [7. Quality] of the project

Definitions of project quality.

What are the KPIs in an outsourcing project?

The meaning of each type of metrics in a software project

Lesson 8 - Instructions for filling out information [8.Strategy] / [8. Strategy] of the project

Project implementation strategy to improve quality, speed up the project implementation process. Include:

[1] - Review strategy.

[2] - Coding strategy.

[3] - Testing strategy.

[4] - Strategies for fixing bugs.

How to optimize when implementing strategies

Lesson 9 - Instructions for filling in information [9.ResourceAllocation] / [9. Resource allocation] of the project

Instructions on how to calculate the effort (resources) of the project. The billable index in the project compared to the number of calendar efforts. Allocate resources to match the cost of the project.

Lesson 10 - Instructions for filling in information [10.Communication] / [10. Communication channel] of the project

Set up a communication channel in the project, a secure communication channel with customers. The importance of establishing communication channels with customers and projects.

Some points to note in the process of communicating with customers.

Lesson 11 - Instructions for filling in information [11.OrgChart] / [11. Organization chart] of the project

Organization chart in the project. The positions and roles of the roles in the project.

Lesson 12 - Instructions for applying for [12.Tailoring] / [12. Exceptions] when executing the project

During project implementation there are some processes that are not possible depending on the nature of the project. Then to operate the project according to a different standard, the project side needs to see the [Tailoring] of the company. Then proceed with the project with the project's definitions.

Lesson 13 - Instructions for filling in information [13. CMPlan] / [13. Configuration Management Plan] organizes the configuration for the project.

Details about the configuration in the project, how to name the test case file, how to properly store the source code on git. The naming convention of the project's archiving. Include:

[1] - Folder structure on SVN / Fileserver

[2] - Folder structure

[3] - Structure of source code on Git. Naming convention on git makes sense.

Chapter 4 - Create [Detail Schedule] / [Detailed Schedule] for the project and upload to Redmine management system

Lesson 1 - Introduction to [Detail schedule] / [Detailed schedule] in the project

What is the [Detail schedule] / [Detailed schedule] of the project? Why is a detailed schedule needed?

Elements in the [Detail Schedule] include:

[1] - Job title

[2] - Expected amount of effort.

[3] - Executor

[4] - Start/end date of the job.

Lesson 2 - Distinguishing [Master Schedule] / [Overview schedule] and [Detail schedule] / [Detailed schedule] in a project

Difference between [Master Schedule] and [Detail Schedule]. What schedule does the audience read the report on?

Lesson 3 - How to do workload analysis based on project estimation, quote or Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Based on WBS to analyze the workload, calculate the people performing in the project. How should the resource structure in the project be implemented?

Lesson 4 - Using the [Microsoft Project] tool to plan a project

Based on [Detail Schedule] put the work list into [Microsoft Project] and calculate the [Resource Allocate Rate] of each Person In Charge (PIC) to meet the assigned workload or not?

Lesson 5 - How to quickly upload the project plan to the Redmine management system

Use the [spreadsheet] tool and upload your to-do list to the Redmine system quickly

Lesson 6 - Bringing information from Redmine to report files by Excel / Spreadsheet quickly with tools

How to use the [spreadsheet] tool to get all the issues on the Redmine system for reporting and statistics.

Chapter 5 - Guide to statistical data using the tool

Lesson 1 - How to count Line Of Code (LOC) lines

Introduction What is LOC? Why calculate the LOC index?

Instructions for using the LOC measurement tool in the project.

Lesson 2 - How to count the number of Test Cases

Introduction to What is Test Case? Why calculate Test Case index?

Instructions for using the tool to measure the Test Case index in the project.

Lesson 3 - How to count bugs (errors)

About Bugs What are Bugs? Why calculate the Bugs index?

Instructions on how to make statistics of bugs in software projects.

Lesson 4 - Instructions on how to calculate the Project's Calendar Effort

A guide to measuring project costs through project resource metrics.

Billable Effort stat, Calendar Effort stat.

Huong shows how to calculate the Calendar Effort index in the project.

Lesson 5 - Instructions on how to calculate the Effort Efficiency of a project

Instructions on how to calculate the EE index in the project. The effect of EE index in project management and operation.

Lesson 6 - How to measure project progress

Awareness of project progress. How to measure project progress. Evaluate project progress.

Introduction to EVM formula in project management.

Chapter 6 - Instructions for making project reports for customers

Lesson 1 - Understanding what is HORENSO (reporting during project work)

+ Introduction to HORENSO in the process of working with the Japanese. Technical reporting and information exchange.

+ Report when receiving information, processing information, processed information.

+ Communicate with customers when having problems, and discuss with customers about implementation policies.

Lesson 2 - Introduction to the template / weekly report template when implementing the project

Sample report on project progress and issues for customers.

Instructions on how to fill in the data in the report.

How to look at problems based on reports.

Lesson 3 - Techniques for reporting projects to customers

Some tips (tricks) in the process of reporting to customers. Do's or don'ts when reporting a project has problems, or a project is late, starts late.

Lesson 4 - How to create a burndown chart to show project progress information

Instructions to draw a burndown chart to show the progress of the project.

How to look at the burndown chart to comment on the progress of the project.

Lesson 5 - Instructions for sending Meeting Minutes after meeting with customers

Introduction to the Meeting Minutes template. Instructions on how to fill information in the Meeting Minutes template.

Then log (record) to the management system to track (track) the issues.

Chapter 7 - Assessing the quality of the project through the Quality Metrics

Lesson 1 - Instructions for making a report on project quality using Excel

Based on NORM number, make quality assessment report by Excel program

Lesson 2 - Instructions for making a report on project quality using Spreadsheet

Based on NORM number, make quality assessment report using Spreadsheet program

Lesson 3 - Instructions for drawing charts in quality reports

Use charts to present quality related reports in the project.

Lesson 4 - A guide to looking at indicators to better understand the quality of the project

Use data and data visualization to assess project quality. Make assumptions and comments based on data.

Lesson 5 - Take actions to improve the quality of the project

Guide actions to improve project quality based on metrics. Analyze the project with a different perspective on the project.

Chapter 8 - Summarized assessment after the course

Lesson 1 - Check the tools learned in the course

Summarize the tools learned in the course. Link to download each tool in the course.

Lesson 2 - Instructions for accessing the directory of quality standard related templates

Instructions to download and access the templates in the course

Lesson 3 - Share some skills you need to know more in the working process

Share other skills during work, such as HORENSO skills, assessment skills and data collection from projects.

Lesson 4 - Demo of quality analysis tool based on Redmine system connected to Spreadsheet using author's tool

Demo how to create templates and evaluate product quality, statistics from Redmine using the author's tools.


After the course you will be issued a certificate of completion from https://smartitsoft.com/


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Branch name: Cộng Hòa Hồ Chí Minh

Account number: 00061552001

Full name: Nguyen Thien An

Transfer Contents: PM01 - <Full name> - Phone

Example: PM01 - Nguyễn Văn A - 0378115292

Price: 5.000.000 VNĐ (Source price: 8.000.000 VNĐ) sale up to 38%

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